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charlie or lily! salvadoran ..he it bun fai doll love.. 15 aspec bisexual genderfluid adhd + mentally ill E/INFP
check out my pronouny to see how to use my prns!!

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..we heart it

Updated: June 25th


• i did not come up w all of these carrd templates so plz give credit to the ppl i credit if u remake any of them

• some of these carrds are rly old or straight up unfinished so if one of my carrds doesnt properly credit the original maker pls lmk

• ignore the info on any of the carrds that isnt my current one as some of the info may be outdated


where do u find inspo? i search for carrd inspo on whi or pinterest

can u make me a carrd? if we are mutuals then yeah i'd love to make u one :]

can i ask u for carrd help? ofc u can if u have any questions i'd be happy to answer them

prns whi ccat spotify easier to read

prns whi ccat spotify easier to read

prns whi ccat spotify easier to read